Trigger finger release

Trigger Finger Release | Allows Tendon to Move Free

When is Trigger Finger Release Necessary?

Trigger Finger Release refers to the surgical procedure used to release the tendon from the tendon sheath, allowing the tendon to return to move freely again.

trigger-finger-release.jpgTrigger finger release is usually only necessary if other forms of treatment fail to resolve the problem.

Surgery is a more invasive and expensive option for treatment, so it is usually only performed as a last resort when other treatments fail.

Other treatments used as primary options are:

* anti-inflammatory medications

* splinting and resting the joint. This might be necessary for several weeks.
* a single injection of cortisone into the affected tendon sheath resolves the issue permanently in more than 50% of cases.

What does Trigger Finger Release Surgery Entail?

There are two options for Trigger Finger Release surgery:

* percutaneous surgery

* open surgery .

Either option is performed at a day clinic.

The Procedure For the Percutaneous Trigger Finger Release Surgery

* You will be given a local anesthetic injection into the palm of your hand
* Your Doctor will insert a needle into the base of the affected finger, and use the needle to release the tendon by opening up the sheath.
* A sterile dressing will be used to cover the area. It can usually be removed the next day.
The advantage of this method is that you will have no stitches.

The Procedure for the Open Surgery for Trigger Finger Release

* You will be given an injection of local anesthetic into the palm of your hand.
* Your doctor will make a small incision (less than an inch long), over the area
* He will make a slit in the tight portion of the tendon cover or sheath to release the tendon.
* He will make sure that the tendon is fully released and gliding easily in its sheath by straightening and bending the affected joint.
* You will receive a couple of stitches to close the wound
* A sterile dressing will be applied, and you can go home.

After Trigger Finger Release Surgery

* Your hand will be numb for up to six hours after the procedure.
* You might need pain relief pills.
* Movement of the finger is encouraged to prevent the tendon getting “stuck” again and to promote
* You will be told by your Doctor to leave the dressing in place for a few days
* You might be referred for physical therapy to encourage complete recovery of movements.
* You might have difficulty straightening the last joint of the affected finger for some months, but
the problem will resolve itself with time and exercise.

Complications after Trigger Finger surgery are very rare. You might get an infection in the wound.
The area will become tender, swollen and might have a discharge. You should contact your Doctor
immediately in this case.

When your Doctor opts for Trigger Finger Release surgery, discuss the procedure and ask any questions you might have. Make sure you understand what you need to do and what will be necessary for your full recovery. The chances of full recovery are excellent and there should be no recurrence of the problem after Trigger Finger Release surgery.

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American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons



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